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Some details. I loved their colors.
I love flowers, especially with some natural light to help display them!
Dawn and Jim, stylin'.
The bridal party (fantastic, fun, and patient group who actually let me talk them into ring around the rosie. Then, I had them do a little hop for joy. This is the second attempt. They actually got it right the first time but it looked like so much fun the first time I had to have them do it again!).
It was such a peaceful and intimate ceremony, even in such a big church.
Dawn and Jim are very much in love, and it shows. I'm so happy for them.
Congratulations! And thank you for letting me be a part of your special day!
Oh Amanda, they're amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Gorgeous!!! You did an amazing job!
Beutiful pictures! You look so happy together Congratulations!
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